

The API offers endpoints for all supported protocols and actions. The full list of endpoints can be found in the OpenAPI docs at https://kit.karpatkey.com/api-docs. They generally follow the structure outlined below.

Request structure

GET https://kit.karpatkey.com/api/v1/<chain>:<address>/<role>/<allow|revoke>/<protocol>/<action>?<query>
  • chain: chain short name (see official list (opens in a new tab))
  • address: address of the Roles mod
  • role: key of the role to update
  • protocol: protocol name
  • action: deposit/stake/borrow/claim/swap
  • query: action specific query parameters

For an overview of action specific query parameters refer to the Actions section.

Response structure

All responses are in JSON format with the following structure:

  "version": "1.0",
  "chainId": "1",
  "createdAt": 1683187179279,
  "meta": {
    "name": "",
    "description": "",
    "txBuilderVersion": "1.16.2"
  "transactions": [
      "to": "0x...",
      "data": "0x...",
      "value": "0"

This JSON can be uploaded to the Safe Transaction Builder (opens in a new tab) for execution.