Getting Started

Getting Started

You can choose to use the TypeScript SDK right from your browser or install it as a node module for development in a local development environment.

Browser Playground

The easiest way to get started with the SDK is to use the browser playground. It allows you to interact with the SDK without having to install anything.

Since the playground code is stored in the URL of the page you can save your work as a bookmark and easily share the link to it with others. With a single click, you can export your work to cloud-based development environments, such as CodeSandbox (opens in a new tab) and StackBlitz (opens in a new tab).

Local Installation

The SDK is distributed via npm. For adding it to your project, run:

npm install --save defi-kit

To install it using yarn, run:

yarn add defi-kit

Import Entrypoints

The package is structured into multiple entrypoints, one for each of the supported blockchains and the base entrypoint.


For Ethereum mainnet, import the defi-kit/eth entrypoint:

import { allow, apply } from "defi-kit/eth"


For Gnosis Chain, import the defi-kit/gno entrypoint:

import { allow, apply } from "defi-kit/gno"


The base entrypoint offers some generic utilities that are not specific to any blockchain.

import { encodeBytes32String, decodeBytes32String } from "defi-kit"
// Roles are referenced with bytes32 keys.
// Use these helper functions to derive human-readable role identifiers.
const roleKey = encodeBytes32String("my-role")